The Church
The Gospel Hope for a Porn-Filled World Workshop equips churches to understand the current reality of pornography use in the church. The current neuroscience of addiction will shine a light on the addictive power of online pornography.
“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,” (2 Peter 1:3)
Practical steps to move toward being a “Porn-Free” church
Resources for addiction recovery and small-group ministry
Equipping for leaders to break the taboo of sexual sin
Powerful Small Group Curriculum
I wrote The War of the Soul to help the church address sexual brokenness.
Small Group Sexual Integrity Studies
The Conquer Series
The Conquer Series is an excellent 10-week men's dvd curriculum. But is it right for your church or small group? The Conquer Series is produced by KingdomWorks Studios and features Ted Roberts of Pure Desire Ministries. I've led half a dozen groups through the series and can speak to the pro's and con's of the series.