What Were We Created For?
What Core Desires Are We Designed For? Genesis 1-2
Eliminating sinful behavior and addictions isn't just about what not to do. It's finding a new focus and new direction for life. What should we fill our lives with? We see the core desires of our heart, what we are truly created for, in the first two chapters of the Bible before sin entered the world. The Gospel invites us back into the garden-like fellowship with the Father. It opens up the door to deep community, and it gives us a mission, a life-altering purpose for why we get out of bed in the morning. We are created for communion with God, communion with others, and God-given purpose. What other core desires do you see in the Scriptures?
First, we were designed for intimacy with God. Adam could walk and talk with God in the garden. This intimate relationship was deeply fulfilling. What joy must have filled Adam in this face to face relationship. What would it take for you to grow in your relationship with God?
Second, we were designed for face to face relational intimacy with others. It was God Himself who said it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). Eve was a gift to Adam to fulfill his desire for relational intimacy. They could truly be naked an unashamed (Genesis 2:25). And this goes beyond sexual intimacy. We are designed for community and friendships. But this is a tremendous challenge today as many of our cultural rhythms are moving us into isolation. How would you rate your relational connectedness? How can you pursue intimate friendships?
And third, we were designed for purpose from God. Adam was given the garden mandate
“And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”” (Genesis 1:28, ESV)
We were created for purpose. In his book, “Unwanted” author Jay Stringer notes that a lack of purpose is a key driver for addiction in men. If we want to find freedom from unwanted sexual behavior, we must connect with a greater purpose for our time. What gifts or passions has God given you? What are the things that give you energy in building His Kindgom? These can be clues to what purpose He has given you.
VidAngel promises to clean up our media content. But should Christians consume content that exploits actors and actresses even if we skip over those scenes?